Category “6” / 20 entries from a total of 399 entries:
| Published on: 2011-02-09 20:24:43 |
" Nachts im Hotel in meiner Suite surfte ich noch im Internet. Ja, mittlerweile hat 'ne Blondine wie ich das auch drauf. Damn, I'm Good! Vor ein paar Jahren habe ich noch Wasser über den Monitor gekippt, wenn ich im Internet " surfen " wollte. Ich hab' auch vorsichtshalber immer den Computer auf den Boden gestellt, damit er nicht abstürzen kann. Glaubt man das???! " ( Zitat: Silvia Kainka )

| Published on: 2011-02-04 20:44:00 |
" Auf der Karriereleiter ganz oben zu stehen, ist mir noch viel zu weit unten. " ( Zitat: Frank Gerber )

| Published on: 2011-02-04 00:40:16 |
Published by Starstatement / Celebrity Statements " As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big. " ( Zitat: Donald Trump )

| Published on: 2011-02-04 00:38:47 |
Published by Starstatement / Celebrity Statements " Business? That's very simple: it's other people's money. " ( Zitat: Walt Disney )

| Published on: 2011-02-04 00:37:41 |
Published by Starstatement / Celebrity Statements " By giving people the power to share, we're making the world more transparent. " ( Zitat: Markus Zuckerberg )

| Published on: 2011-02-03 03:25:57 |
Published by Starstatement / Celebrity Statements
Mein Job ist es nicht, es den Leuten besonders leicht zu machen. Mein Job ist es, sie besser zu machen.
( Zitat: Steve Jobs )

| Published on: 2011-02-03 01:41:09 |
Published by Starstatement / Celebrity Statements
„Ich bin eine Geschäftsfrau. Ich führe eine riesige Firma.“
Zitat: Paris Hilton

| Published on: 2011-02-01 23:21:32 |
Published by Starstatement / Celebrity Statements
Jauch was born in Münster. After 18 years of common-law marriage, he married Thea in 2006 without permitting the press to photograph the wedding. A photo that circulated in the tabloid media (which had not much detail) was published by BILD. The newspaper was fined € 200,000 for the abuse of personal rights. He married in the Orangerieat Schloss Sanssouciin Potsdam.
Jauch is known for a unique style of informing and entertaining people that is generally considered witty and funny; he won several awards for his appearances in German television. Jauch also owns the production company "i&u TV", which stands for Information und Unterhaltung ("information and entertainment"). He is known to make large donations from money he receives from his appearances in advertisements and other promotional work.
Jauch has used his personal wealth to purchase and restore several historic buildings in and around Potsdam, his current town of residence.
Jauch has produced and hosted the programme Stern TV, a magazine programme, on RTLsince 1990. The programme caused sensation due to the transmission of falsified articles by the journalist Michael Born.
In 2005, Jauch was named by Stern magazine the most famous German in the world. In late 2006, Jauch announced that he would only host the first broadcast of the Four Hills Tournament(from Oberstdorf) and celebrate New Year's Evewith his family. Jauch had hosted all events of the Four Hills Tournament since the year 2000. The 2007 season tournaments from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Innsbruckand Bischofshofenwere hosted by Marco Schreylinstead
Source: Wikipedia

| Published on: 2011-01-31 21:49:26 |
Published by Star Statement / Celebrity Statements
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg(born May 14, 1984) is an American entrepreneur who co-founded the social networking site Facebook. Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook with fellow classmates Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hugheswhile attending Harvard. He is a billionairedue to his 24% share of Facebook
Source: Wikipedia
